Thursday, May 17, 2012

Pawpaw Ponders How to Construct a Good Excuse : Some Good Ole Boy Wisdom

We are all manufacturers. Making goods, making trouble, or making excuses.”(H. V. Adolt)
Excuses, excuses, you'll hear them every day.” (Kingsmen song lyrics)

Leaders sometimes lie and they lie for good reasons. I tried to make the case [in my book, Why Leaders Lie] that although instinctively all of us believe lying is a bad thing that's not always the case. ...” (John Mearsheimer, Political Science Professor and Author) I glad to learn its now approved, because we all can think of times when lying (an excuse) might have helped. I am married. I have children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. I am active in a social group. So, the number of people authorized to find fault with me has always been big enough to keep me creative with my excuses. I'm glad someone has finally seen the good side of excuses (lying).

So, if the occasion should present itself where a lie (excuse) is needed, then you need to know how to produce a good one. I'm going to use some good ole pawpaw wisdom to teach you how to produce good excuses and avoid the bad ones.

1. A guilty dog barks the loudest
This points out the number one characteristic of a good excuse: “Don't oversell it.” What happens when the husband arrives home very late and start speaking like this “Unexpected business call …...resulting in me having to …. so I did not get out before …...I got assigned....”. All the time ranting and raving about how unfair you are being treated. That gets you out of the frying pan into the fire faster than dark flees light. You have a reputation as truthful, or you don't, so “I had to work late.” works are nothing does.

2. You can catch more files with honey than with vinegar

Don't get mad. It maybe an accepted principle that if you are not upset by being accused then you are guilty. That is false. Someone who has done nothing wrong has no reason to feel defensive.

3. Every dog has fleas.

Admit you are not always perfect, but this time you're innocent. Admit that occasionally you just need time with the “guys”. When you admit to a less offensive act, the person feels the lie has been found out, so they are satisfied. This also helps establish an excuse for the next time.

4. If brains were leather, he wouldn’t have enough to saddle a junebug.

Act dumb. Insignificant actions of the day are not remembered in detail, so lies should not involve details. Consider the following conversation. “Why didn't you call and let me know?” asks the wife. The husband responds, “My cell phone battery was dead.” Wife asks, “Couldn't you have used the house phone, or your friend's phone?” Remember, the more facts you give the more facts that can be checked out.

5. Keep her as happy as a tick on a fat dog

Earn her good graces before you need them. Buy her flowers when she knows you have none nothing wrong. I know, these times are far between, so don't let a opportunity pass you by.

6. You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear

Be yourself. Don't make excuses that don't ring true to who you are. Don't say you stopped to fix a tire for an old couple broken down on the road, if you have never lent a hand to another stranger.

7. Even a blind hog finds an acorn every now and then

You might get away once or twice, but remember we all have “tells”. Remember, if you wife knows you so that she can finish you sentences, she knows your “tells”. The more excuses you make, the more likely you are to get caught.

8. Excuses are like backsides. Everybody’s got one and they all stink.
Don't do thing that you are ashamed to get credited to your account. Be sure you lies will find you out.

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