Saturday, April 20, 2013

Reasons to Believe the Bible is the Word of God

Have you every asked yourself, why should I believe the Bible? Can you think of reasons not to believe, but none why you should believe. Maybe, you don't want to believe, because it will interfere with your life. It will limit your fun. Does it contradicts what you have been taught? All of these thoughts may be true. But, most likely these are things you have been taught to believe. You are so wrong. You have to read it to know it. Cliff notes will not work with this book.
To counter these thoughts, I will give you twelve reasons to believe in the Bible and to know that it is the only written Word of God. None of them are original to me. All can be found in books and all over the Internet. So, why this blog. Because you are reading it. Because you have found your way here not to those other places. Because I care. Because you need to know. Because you future depends upon you knowing that the Bible is the only written Word of God. For these reasons, I present these twelve proofs.
  1. You should believe the Bible because it says to.
    As a parent, a former teacher, a former soldier, and a former police officer, I understand that rules can only be enforced by a person who has authority. Authority is not something you gain by the clothes you are wearing. It is not something you inherent just by the job you do. Others recognize it when they see. They also recognize those who don't have it. Read the Bible you will recognize its authority and the authority of its author. You will not find it hard to understand or believe, if you read it. Don't read others comments. Don't read commentaries. Read the Bible. You will come to see that it is a miraculous book.
  2. You should believe the Bible because it is full of miracles.
    The miracles of the Bible are there to inspire us, to give us hope, and to seed our faith. Here we learn that the blind, spiritually and physically, can regain sight and that the deaf can hear. There is healing for the sick of soul and body in this book. No matter the depth of the physical or spiritual condition of one, there is deliverance to one and all. And, all credit belongs to God.
  3. You should believe the Bible because it tells the truth about its heroes.
    The lives of the people in the Bible are not glossed over. You see their faults with no white washing. Yet, they are not condemned. They are disciplined when needed, but they are also loved, encouraged, and helped to be better.
  4. You should believe the Bible because its universality.
    Treat others, friends and enemies, as you desire to be treated is not taught as strongly and unconditionally in any other book. No other religion is all the people are treated the same. All principles apply to all people. Because when its principles are applied by the majority of society, the whole society benefits. Yet, when applied by an individual no matter where the person live, that life is changed and improved.
  5. You should believe the Bible because it knows tomorrow.
    The Bible has many prophecies in it. While some pertain to events yet to happen, no event in history has occurred contrary to the way it is predicted in the Bible. It tells of the raise and fall of kings and kingdoms. It tells of these events naming names not with vague references. It predicted the birth, death and resurrection of its central character, Jesus Christ. And, it tells the future of the Earth and its inhabitants. You can count on it.
  6. You should believe the Bible because it is scientific accuracy.
    Its writers revealed scientific facts hundreds of years before man discovered them to be true. They revealed that the sun travels in a path, that the wind has weight, that the seas have currents, and that the Earth is round to name a few. The list of scientific truths it reveals is too long to include here, but can be find elsewhere.
  7. You should believe the Bible because it is also historically accurate.
    All kings, kingdoms, cities, towns, mountains, people, and events named are done so without error. When archaeological evidence has been found, it always supports and never contradicts what the Bible says.
  8. You should believe the Bible because it is here.
    We can check all this out because we have the Bible in its original form with us today. Despite the efforts to destroy it. Despite the number of wars fought. Despite the number of societies destroyed. Despite the number of libraries sacked and burned. Despite the efforts of all the constituted powers of earth fighting to destroy it, it still exists in its original form.
  9. You should believe the Bible because it is complete and unified.
    These sixty-six books which were written over thousands of years by various men living in various times who came from various walks of life, yet it puts forth one message. We are all sinners loved by God so much that He, in the person of Jesus Christ, came and died for our sins. Which leads to many questions like when, where, why, how, what and who? Which it answers.
  10. You should believe the Bible because it answers your questions.
    Why do I need a Savior? Where did sin come from? When did I become a sinner? How do I overcome sin? What does God require of me? Who is God? There are so many questions. There are an equal number of different answers. But, there is only one place where all the important questions are found along with the correct answer.
  11. You should believe the Bible because it is good for all of us.
    In it you find the best standards for human government and personal character. The principles of a democracy society are set forth along with those of a free-enterprise economy with a legal system to accompany them. Most of all, it puts forth a code of personal conduit that without which know of these others are possible.
  12. You should believe the Bible because it has no equal.
    Why have I not detailed the historical, scientific, and prophetic accuracy in more detail, so as to convince you of its truth? Because if you take my word or anyone's word about what the Bible is or is not, you are being foolish. The Bible is not a work of literature. Cliff notes will not work. It is a personal document written to each of us. It is an individual message to you from God. Don't analyze it. Don't study it. Don't debate it. Just read it from cover to cover. If it does not convince you of is authorship, you will be the first human being I've heard of to read it and not believe it.
Does not senses yet. Here is some more helpful articles to read.

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