Thursday, April 4, 2013

10 Great Reasons for Not Being an Agnostic: Agnosticism is the Weakest Intellectual Position

All the agnostics I know like to say their refusal to take a position shows true open-mindedness. By not accepting there is a God and by not saying there is not a God, they claim intellectual superiority because they remain open to both sides' arguments. Yet, unconvinced by either.

Agnosticism seems to be the worst position one can take in an intellectual debate, because it shows a lack of understanding of a basic fact of intellectual life: The refusal to choose is the worst choice. Jesus said it this way: "I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.” (Revelations 3:15-16 ESV) Agnostics by choosing not to choose are showing a lack of intellectual and moral character.
Below are 10 reasons why I believe agnosticism is not the better position in the debate between evolution and the Biblical account of creation. The refusal by agnostics to take a side in this important debate requires one to ask...
  1. Are Agnostics Cowards? A failure to support a position by default indicates one is against both. With both sides claiming the case has been proved, how can someone not make a decision. One must conclude this results from a lack of moral and intellectual courage. The courageous and honest thing is to say which side you believe. Thus, one must ask…
  2. Are Agnostics Honest? Jesus said, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters.” (Luke 11:23) Not choosing is a choice. Claiming that the most intellectual thing to do is not to choose begs the question...
  3. Are Agnostics Being Irrational? You claim that neither side has convinced you. Yet, evolutionists claim that evolution is an established fact; that no open-minded person can ignore the assembled evidence. While at the same time, Bible believers present their evidence that says science proves the Bible true. But, you are too busy to study the evidence and decide. Therefore, we must wonder …
  4. Are Agnostics Lazy? A refusal to study the evidence and make up one's mind shows intellectual laziness. Perhaps, intellectual arguments are too much for you. Perhaps, you cannot be bothered with studying the evidence so I must ask …
  5. Do Agnostics Love Fence-sitting? So, you sit on the fence claiming the high ground. Refusing to support either side. By doing this…
  1. Are Agnostics Allowing Wrong to Continue? By not fighting for the right side, you are allowing wrong to continue. Neither side likes fence-sitters because their support might bring the battle to a conclusion. So, does a refusal to join either side mean that …
  2. Agnostics are not Respected by Either Side? Your failure to join the battle leaves both sides questioning your intellectual ability and courage. They do not believe that anyone truly believes in nothing yet …
  3. Agnostics believe in nothing. They believe that neither is right? What a horrible life to live being in nothing, if it is living at all. It is certainly not intellectual life. They find themselves in the black hole of nothingness because …
  4. Agnostics only see the wrong in both sides. How black a mind and heart must be to only see the errors in both sides. Maybe both sides do have some minor points wrong. But, they are polar opposites, so how can both sides be wrong? One side must be near the truth, so support that one. But, they refuse. So one must conclude that …
  5. Agnostics do not advance the truth. They hinder the truth. They ignore the truth. They fear the truth.
Agnosticism is not okay for all the reasons above.

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